Monday 27 May 2024

White and Blue

Good Morning Peeps,
Well here we are on a Bank Holiday Monday, hope it's a good one for you whatever you have planned, it’s absolutely lashing down rain here at the moment so we won’t be going out anywhere, I think some crafting is called for today.
We have a new challenge starting today over on Christmas with the Cuties where for the next month our optional challenge theme will be:
(and don't forget it MUST be cute and Christmassy) 

I used a Whimsy Stamps snowman image and coloured him with Copics.  I cut a sentiment with a Sue Wilson die and put this onto a circle which I embossed with a Cuttlebug folder, the background paper is from my stash and I asdded some die cut snowflakes and a little Nuvo Drops.

We hope you ccan find time this month to join in our challenge and get started on those Christmas cards.

Have a good Bank Holiday!


  1. Hi Pat, rain has stopped for now, but it's still a bit chilly, won't be going far today! It's a choice between craft room and book I think...
    I love blue and white for Christmas cards and your snowman is definitely a cutie!

  2. Not sure at all what we've done to deserve this weather, thre bank holidays and all much the same.

    But your card is very pretty in all the shades of blue Pat.

    B x

  3. Such a beautiful card! Lovely colours - Blue and white is perfect on wintercards.

  4. Hi Pat we have the sun shining a few little showers but it is rather chilly still, Pat I absolutely love that cute image a great festive card design it is super
    lolo x

  5. We haven't had any rain today it's been quite sunny! Love your blue and white Christmas cards and that cute snowman hugs x

  6. We had a wet Monday here too Pat, but no work so can't complain!! Love this adorable little chap and what a super design xx


Hope you have enjoyed visiting my blog, I love reading your comments, thank you so much.

Pat xx